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Mickey Mouse's House - Come on in and see where everyone's favorite movie star lives.  Please do not touch anything while Mickey is out.  After a short wait, you and your family can meet Mickey in his own dressing room.
Minnie's Country House - You may also see where Mickey's Girlfriend, Minnie lives.  Her house also has a beautiful garden in the backyard.
The Barnstormer at Goofy's Wise Acres - Come on over to Goofy's place and take a ride in his own model airplane.  This fun and wild rollercoaster is enjoyable for anyone over the age of 3.
Donald's Boat - Children will love to visit Donald's Boat.  Here they can run, play, and get soaking wet.  Donald has designed the perfect spot to tire your child out.
The Walt Disney World Railroad - Climb aboard and journey back to Main Street, U.S.A. or Frontierland.  This section of the railway takes you past Tomorrowland.

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