"A Tour of Walt Disney World"
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The Festival of the Lion King -   Come and see "The Best Theme Park Show in the World" (Scott Richman).  Inside this theater in the round, you will be dazzled by one of the greatest shows ever created. The show begins with a greeting from the four wise travelers who lead Simba as he brings the legend of his story to you. This show contains singing, dancing, acrobatics, and just about anything else you would want to see. The voices are some of the best at Disney World. Do not miss this show. You will have to wait about 30 minutes to get good seats, but it is worth it.  Check your guide map for show times.
Pocohontas and Her Forest Friends -   This 20 minute show is a delight for all. They begin by allowing all young children to sit up front. Pocohontas and her friend Sprig (a tree) are afraid that the forest will be destroyed by man.  Like the movie, Grandmother Willow helps guide Pocohontas down the right path.  Through their animal friends, which are live animals that come on the stage, Pocohontas and Sprig figure out the secret of the forest. They are real animals, and the kids really enjoy this show.
Character Greeting Trails -   Tucked away in the forest of Camp Minnie-Mickey are these shaded trails full of your favorite Disney Characters.  Be sure to have your cameras and autograph books ready.

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